Financial Aid
Families may apply for subsidized childcare online using the following link:
(RCOE) or by completing the Eligibility List Application and submitting it to agency.(ask RCOE Provider - Lidiya Solonovich - 1012876, for an application)
If you have any questions, please call (800) 442-4927 or email
Also, the Idyllwild Montessori School established a Financial Aid Fund in 2014.
Donations can be made to the Idyllwild Montessori School Financial Aid Fund through the PayPal ( or Venmo @solonoy.
Please, consider the joy and happiness your child experiences attending the school. If your family is able to give a donation to this fund, you will be helping another child to remain in school. Checks can be made payable to the Idyllwild Montessori School.
Please, mark the memo line IMS Financial Aid. Checks, money orders can be given to your child's teacher or mailed to Idyllwild Montessori School (IMS), PO BOX 1328, Idyllwild, CA 92549
Thank you for your generosity.